"The Top 7 Tips to Help Shoulder and Neck Pain Without Taking Painkillers"


Free Guide Helps Show You How To Reduce Shoulder and Neck Pain Without Taking Painkillers

If you found this page I am assuming you have an issue with either your shoulder or your neck.  This is super common.   Shoulder and neck pain accounts for a huge percentage of musculoskeletal conditions.  Fortunately, at Weymouth Physiotherapy we have lots of experience and treating these often stubborn conditions.

As per most conditions shoulder and neck pains come on for any number of reasons.  They sometimes have a traumatic onset e.g. a fall but often they have an atraumatic onset i.e. no injury to speak of.

Things we commonly see in clinic include neck pain in people who are sat at desks for long periods of the day, whiplash injuries caused by road traffic accidents, shoulder pain in those who participate in sports like swimming, badminton and tennis, and shoulder pain in over 45s that arrives for no obvious reasons.

Often shoulder and neck pain has a huge impact on function, on our work, on our hobbies. A lot of things can become challenging – doing your bra strap up, reaching for things in cupboards, checking your side mirrors, sporting pursuits, sitting for long periods, putting jackets on.  The list goes on and on.

As well as functional problems night pain is commonly a factor that gets people like you seeking help.   When we can’t sleep we become tired, we become grumpy and our brains simply don’t function.  No-one wants to live like that

At Weymouth Physiotherapy we use proven methods to get people living with shoulder and neck pain to a much better place.  A place where they can sit as long as they need, a play where they can get back to their sporting hobbies, a place where routine daily things like getting dressed is not a chore.  A place where they can sleep.  A place where the shoulder is no longer in their thoughts.  No pain relief required and a living a happy and fulfilled life.

If you would like to book and get your shoulder / neck pain sorted then click the link below to book.  If you have a few questions you would like answering or just want to discuss your case first then click the callback link below.

If it is time to get your problem sorted, click below

If you'd like to discuss your problem with us, click below

Our callback service allows us to discuss with your problem with you and any questions you may have so you can make the right decision about your issue

In shoulder and neck pain getting an early assessment obviously is definitely the best thing to do.  Getting the right diagnosis, treatment and advice early on can prevent the pain hanging round.  So if you do have a new onset of neck or shoulder pain get in contact and get it sorted quickly.  It will save you a lot of time and money.

However many of our patients tell us that they have just left it, hoping the pain would go away.  They perhaps went to the GP who said just rest it 6 weeks and it will get better.  They were given pain relief which didn't work so they had to go back six weeks later with no progress and given even stronger pain relief. They may have seen physios or other therapists, heck they may have even gone down the injection or surgery route and pain still remains.

We assess people just like this all the time and and work out what is causing their pain.  This directs our treatment where we will work on reducing pain and getting people moving better.  Our focus is on getting you back doing the things you are missing out on, getting you off any pain relieving medications (which are not good for your health) and avoiding subsequent trips to the GP.

We don’t want your pain to last any longer.  We don't want you spending any more of your hard earned cash trying to find the solution to your pain.  We don't want you missing out on life because of pain.  Equally we want you to avoid painful injections and risky surgery.  We just want to get you better.

Even if you have tread this path and have had multiple treatments we can still get you better.  We do it all the time with our patients.  We want you to enjoy life, to do the things you like doing, to sleep better etc, etc.  No matter how long your shoulder or neck has been hurting for there is still things we can do.  In some ways the more things you've tried the better as we now know what things don't work for you.

Get in contact to discuss your shoulder or neck problem.

If you are still dubious about what we can do (and we know this is common so don't worry) then we offer taster sessions.  This gives you the opportunity to come down and meet us and have a good discussion about the ways in which your shoulder and/or neck pain is impacting on your life and the ways in which we could work together to get things better for you.  This is free of charge and their is no pressure to book in with us afterwards.  The choice is yours.  Click the link below to apply.

Apply for a taster session

These sessions allow you to come down to the clinic to discuss your problems. We can take a brief look at it to see if it is something we can help you with and you can ask any questions you may have. You can then decide whether or not we are right for you. If you would then like to book a full assessment then we can organise this within the session

Still unsure if physio is for you?

Don't just took our word for it.  Have a read of a couple of testimonials of people we have had with back pain.

A. Brice
