"The Top 7 Tips to Manage Persistent Pain"


Free Guide Helps Show You How To Manage Persistent Pain.

Weymouth Physiotherapy relishes treating persistent pain.  The founder, Carl Neal has always held an interest in it and gets huge satisfaction in helping people get back in the driving seat in the journey of life

We often see the huge effect persistent pain has on peoples lives.  When you have been in constant pain for any length of time it really grinds you down.  It controls you, it consumes you.

However no matter how long you have had it or where the pain is, one site or multiple sites, it can get and does get better.  We have helped a huge number of individuals get back in control of their pain.  Back pain, neck pain, foot pain, 6 months, 6 years, 60 years.  Really it makes no difference our proven strategies can really get you on the front foot.

People with persistent pain often start with a simple problem.  Sometimes this may be an injury but quite frequently people do not actually know how it all started.  At this stage people have two options; they seek treatment or they see if it gets better by itself.  If it doesn’t get better then the latter go on to seek treatment and people then end up on the merryground ride of pain.

The sea of endless healthcare professionals offering differing explanations and promising cures that never seem to materialise.  The increasing confusion and uncertainty as to what is driving the pain and how best to treat it.  The frustration at having treatment after treatment fail; exercises, manual therapy, pain medication, injections, surgery.  Nothing seems to help.

Fear increases; the fear of making it worse, the fear of the latest flare-up; the fear of what it holds in the future and questioning if it will ever get better.

Inevitably mood worsens, people find it harder and harder to do the things they enjoy and even the things they can do become less enjoyable due to the pain.  Pain is constantly on the mind

Alongside this your body is changing- it becomes stiffer, weaker, less capableCompensatory movement patterns develop and these can become part of the problem.  The solution appears further and further away.

This is a story that we hear with so many of our persistent pain patients however the solution isn’t all that far away.  Simple strategies focusing on the things you can control can often start to reverse this horrible circle of pain.  You start to sleep better, your activity levels improve, mood increases and life become more enjoyable again.  There really is a way out and we see great results all the time

If you are unsure whether we can help you or not why not book a free call back or if you are really scepitble and there is a reasonable chance you may be apply for a taster session where you can meet us and we can discuss if there is anything we can do to help turn your life around.  See the links below for details

Talk to a Physio

This service is for people who are a little unsure if we can help them. We will listen to your story and suggest possible ways in which we can move forward. We also invite you to ask any questions you may have about physiotherapy in general or weymouth physiotherapy. Find out what we can do for you.

Apply for a taster session

These 15-20 minute sessions can be ideal for patients who have been let down by other treatment in the past. They enable you to come and meet us before having to spend any money and to know what exactly you are investing in.

Still not sure if Weymouth Physiotherapy is the answer


Don't just took our word for it.  Have a read of a couple of testimonials of people we have had with persistent pain.

C. Williams

S. Winters