"The Top 7 Tips to Help Hip and Knee Pain Without Taking Painkillers"


Free Guide Helps Show You How To Reduce Hip and Knee Pain Without Taking Painkillers

Hip and knee pain is something we see a lot at Weymouth Physiotherapy.  Of course there are many different hip and knee problems we see, but the most common reasons are arthritis and tendon issues.  Sometimes pain comes on with a specific incident but equally regularly people get pain that seems to just come out of the blue.

From experience many people often try to put up with the pain for some time before acting upon it.  A trip to the GP often results in advice to take it easy and take pain relief.  This goes against what you want to do.  People want to stay active and do the things they enjoy and many have concerns about putting foreign chemicals in there body.

Diagnosis from the GP is often a bit wooly- remember they are often jack of all trades, master of none.  However this uncertainty can cause concern, stress and worry. Perhaps an xray came back clear or you've been told that the findings of the x-ray are normal for age or not severe enough to warrant any further action.

People with hip and knee pain often find that the things that they enjoy doing become increasingly harder to do. They can't walk the dogs as far, stairs become a nightmare, even sitting long periods can cause issues especially when then trying to get back up.  Sporting pursuits are limited, work becomes challenging.

As time progresses and pain persists they start avoiding things or find they have to do them in a certain way.  Their strength, their flexibility and their fitness all seem to reduce and this only serves to make the pain worse.

Mood starts to get affected.  If you can’t do what you want to do or its always painful when you do it, it’s inevitable.  The use of painkillers becomes more frequent and/or stronger doses required.  It really is a miserable spiral of pain.  Surgery may start to appear on the cards and many want to avoid this.  Equally many may have had surgery and are struggling to recover post operatively.

Weymouth Physiotherapy can help in all cases of hip and knee pain.  We frequently see some fantastic results and transformations using our individualised care approach.  Correct diagnosis is the vital first step and we work this out in the first session.  We then work out the best treatment plan for you and get you started straight away. You get complete choice in what you're treatment looks like be it condensed sessions or sessions spread further apart.

People start to regain their strength, their pain starts to reduce and they have the confidence to get back doing the things they have been missing out on.  They start to live again.  To book in get in contact.


If you want to start the same journey, then book now


This service is for people who are a little unsure if we can help them. We will listen to your story and suggest possible ways in which we can move forward. We also invite you to ask any questions you may have about physiotherapy in general or weymouth physiotherapy. Find out what we can do for you.

As soon as you start getting knee or hip pain get in contact to discuss your issues.  You can use the link above to book in a call or email.  We want to avoid that spiral that we have spoke about above.  Treatment is then easier and return to normal life much quicker.  Yes your GP or your loved one may just say rest up take it easy, take some pain relief and it will get sorted however we know that very often this is not the case.

That said if you have just put up with it in the hope it would go then now is the time to get it sorted.  The longer it is left the more challenging things in life will become, the more of a misery it will become and the more sessions and effort you will need to get things turned around.  The sooner it gets looked at the quicker you can get back to enjoying the things you normally enjoy.

If however you are in the situation where you have had it for a very long time we can still turn things around for you.  Don't just give up and be of the belief this is the way it is going to be.  Everyone of us can get in control of it with the right treatment and guidance, no matter what anyone else has said to you.  You may have had treatment before, you may have had surgery before you can still improve.

Book in and get assessed, we can then get you on the right track with our tried and trusted treatment techniques.  Get back to doing what you have given up, get back to doing things more easily.  Get off the pain relief and learn how to stop getting future problems.

If you are still unsure whether or not we can help you, then we also offer free taster sessions.  This allows you to come and see us and have a chat about your hip or knee issue.  This does not include treatment however we can discuss  what treatment could look like if you do book in.  We also discuss any concerns you have about investing in physiotherapy with us.  The reason we do this is we hope this gives you the trust in us so you 100% believe we can help you.  However if you still don't think we are a good match at this point then that is fine and hopefully you come away anyway having learnt something.  Click the link below to apply for a taster session.

Free taster session

These sessions allow you to come down for a free appointment so you can start to work out what is causing your back pain and what we can do about it.

Still unsure if physio is for you?

Don't just took our word for it.  Have a read of a couple of testimonials of people we have had with back pain.

M. Rose

J. Lewis