"The Top 7 Tips to Help Foot and Ankle Pain Without Taking Painkillers"


Free Guide Helps Show You How To Reduce Foot and Ankle Pain Without Taking Painkillers

I’m guessing since you are here, you are suffering from some sort of foot and ankle problem.  You are not alone foot and ankle problems are one of the more common reasons we see people at Weymouth Physiotherapy.  Our feet and ankles are critical to us as human beings.  When they hurt, walking is limited and this often has a huge effect on our function and our ability to have fun or do the things we need to do.

Foot and ankle pain can come on with trauma or just as frequently it comes on out of the blue, particularly in the mid to later stages of our lives.  Due to the implications on every day tasks foot and ankle problems often cause great distress.

The pain causes us stops us doing things; it stops the walk along your favourite part of gorgeous coastline, it stops your game of badminton that you play once a week, it makes work a misery.  We understand the impact it can have on your life.

At the very least foot and ankle pain causes us to reduce the amount we do.  We hardly ever feel good about this but it seems the only way to manage the pain.  Sadly as we reduce what we do, we also end up weaker, this can cause further pain and a negative spiral can pursue.

It doesn’t matter if it is a sprain, a strain, a tendon issue, plantarfasciitis  or even a fracture problem, Weymouth Physiotherapy has great experience in getting people with foot and ankle problems better.  We have proven methods which address all the components leading to the pain that you are experiencing.

We have a track record of getting people like you get back to the things they value, the things they love to do.  Get in contact today to see how we can help.  If you are as sure as we are, then click on book now beloiw, if you have a few questions to ask first then click on the talk to a physio link

If you are as confident as we are that we can help you then book now

Talk to a Physio

If you are a little unsure whether we can help you, select this option. We will get back to you to discuss your story and answer any questions your questions about physiotherapy in general or Weymouth Physiotherapy. Find out what we can do for you. You can then make the best decision for you.

With many foot and ankle problems early assessment and treatment can get turn things back round really quickly.  My recommendation is to not leave aches and pains in the hope they do get better.  Because of the large forces around the foot and ankle once pain is there it rarely gets better by itself despite what your GP may say.

If you have been trying to rest . manage it or even if you have just been trying to push through it, it is so important that you get it checked out.  We can assess it, work out exactly what is causing the problem and then create a treatment plan to help you move forward again with a spring in your step.

We can enable you to keep up with your friends, we can stop people commenting on your limp.  We can make it achievable that you can spend all day on your feet at work or shopping.  This is what we do all the time.

No problem is truly irreversible and even if you have had lots of treatment in the past we are still confident we can help you.  If you're not sure about this then why not give us a call, request a call back or book on to one of taster sessions to find out what we can do and to see if we can help you.  Links are on the page.

Free taster session

These sessions allow you to come to the clinic for a 15 minute appointment, so you can meet us in person. We can then discuss and briefly assess your problem and let you know if we and how we can help. If this gives you the confidence to book with us we can then book another appointment for a more thorough assessment and treatment.

Still unsure if physio is for you?

Don't just took our word for it.  Have a read of a couple of testimonials of people we have had with back pain.

D. Griffin

N. Price