"The Top 7 Tips to Help Elbow, Wrist and Hand Pain Without Taking Painkillers"


Free Guide Helps Show You How To Reduce Elbow, Wrist and Hand Pain Without Taking Painkillers

It is not terribly uncommon for people to contact us about pain in their elbow and/or wrist.  We see a fair amount of people come through our doors with issues in this area and get them back to doing the things they need or want to do.

Many of the people who suffer with problems do so as a result of their occupation- typists, shop workers, trades people, cleaners.  We see all of these fairly often.  Many also struggle with their hobbies – tennis, golf, sailing, the violin or the piano.  Equally there are a large number of people who have  pain bought on with daily life- new mums, gardeners, people who have large houses to upkeep or lots of dinners to put on the table.  Elbow and wrist pain affects a huge spectrum of people.

It can be hugely debilitating.  If we can’t use our hands we are in trouble, it’s a part of what makes us humans  different to the rest of the animal kingdom.  Even activities like making drinks and carrying pots and pans can become challenging.

Fortunately there is plenty that physiotherapy can do for these problems and Weymouth Physiotherapy can play a massive part in your recovery.  We can get you back to the thing that you want to get back to doing and importantly with little to no pain.  Don't just put up with it or rest it like the GP said to do get in contact and get the right advice for your problem.

Feel free to contact us and ask any questions you may have. We offer a free call back service or if you are particuarly dubious about whether we can help you then we also offer a free taster session.  You can apply for both below.  If not be sure to download your free elbow, wrist and hand booklet.

Talk to a Physio

This service is for people who are a little unsure if we can help them. We will listen to your story and suggest possible ways in which we can move forward. We also invite you to ask any questions you may have about physiotherapy in general or weymouth physiotherapy. Find out what we can do for you.

Free taster session

These sessions allow you to come down for a free 15-20 min appointment so you can start to explore your problem and advise you on how we could help you if you were to book in for a full session.

If you're sure that we are right for you, then book now

Still unsure?

Don't just took our word for it.  Have a read of a couple of testimonials of people we have had with elbow, wrist and hand pain.

Alternatively head over to our blog page as you may find some relevant information there as well

E. Smith

M. Gammidge