"The Top 7 Tips to Help Low Back Pain Without Taking Painkillers"

Free Guide Helps Show You How To Reduce Low Back Pain Without Taking Painkillers


Back pain is probably the most common thing that we see at Weymouth Physiotherapy.  It is so common that 90% of us will experience it at some stage in our lives.

Sometimes it comes on with a particular incident – a fall, a twist, a bend, a lift.  Just as frequent however it comes on with no particular incident or injury or an incident that cannot explain the severity of the pain.

Back pain can be pretty scary and very debilitating.  It is one of the most common reasons people present to the GP (if they can get an appointment).  Here they are often advised that it should get better within 6 weeks, they are prescribed pain killers and advised to take it easy which may involve time off work.

Many people however don’t get better. Back pain persists. This can be really frustrating as a patient.  Many questions may go through your head.  Why didn’t it get better as promised? Why is it still sore? What is wrong?.  How long til I get back to doing the things I enjoy?

You search the internet and cannot find the solution.  Your friends, your family and your colleagues all suggest things.  What worked for them does not work for you.  NHS physio remains weeks away.

Meanwhile your back remains stiff, your activity levels are reducing, sleep remains poor and mood levels inevitably drop.  Life simply isn’t what it was.  You become increasingly worried about your back and start doubting if it will get better.  Pain persists.

Any of this a familiar story?  If so you are not alone this is a typical story we here all the time at Weymouth Physiotherapy.  If this does sound you then we would really encourage you to contact us to discuss your problems.  We can explain what we can do to things round for you, to make things more enjoyable again, to get you back to the things you enjoy, to start weaning off you off the pain relief.

We offer a free call back service if you have any questions so leave your details on the link below and we will get in contact with you.  Alternatively if you are ready to book enter on the book now link below.

To get your back pain under control as soon as possible, book today

Talk to a Physio

This service is for people who are a little unsure if we can help them. We will listen to your story and suggest possible ways in which we can move forward. We also invite you to ask any questions you may have about physiotherapy in general or weymouth physiotherapy. Find out what we can do for you.

In back pain early assessment obviously is top trumps.  Getting the right diagnosis, treatment and advice early on can prevent the pain hanging round.  So if you do have a new onset of back pain get in contact and get it nipped in the bud early.  You may only need one or two sessions.

If however pain is hanging around we are still the people to help.  At Weymouth Physiotherapy we relish treating persisting or ongoing pain.

We will assess you and work out why  your pain is persisting.  This directs our treatment where we will work on reducing pain and getting you moving better.  Our focus is on getting you back doing the things you are missing out on, getting you off any pain relieving medications (which are not good for your health) and avoiding subsequent trips to the GP.

We don’t want your pain to persist further.  We don’t want you spending all your cash chasing after the cure that never comes.  We don't want you going down the line of painful injections and major spinal surgery.  Even if you have tread this path and have had multiple treatments we can still get you better.  We've done it with many of patients.  We can still get life back on the right track.  There is still hope no matter how you feel or what others may have said.

If you are still dubious about what we can do (and rightly you should be) then we offer taster sessions.  This gives you the opportunity to come down and meet us and have a good discussion about your back pain and ways in which we could work together to overcome it.  This is free of charge and don't worry it's not a high pressure sales pitch, its about giving you the information you need to decide whether we are the right people to help you.  Apply on the link below.

Free taster session

These sessions allow you to come down for a 15-20 minute appointment so you we can discuss what is causing your back pain and what we can do about it. We hope this gives you trust in us and then you book a full assessment with us.

Still not convinced physio is for you?


Don't just took our word for it.  Have a read of a couple of testimonials of people we have had with back pain.

A. Brice
